

Located in Japan’s second largest metropolitan area, Kansai International Airport (KIX) is an important gateway to Osaka, Kyoto and Nara, on the western side of Japan. The airport first opened in 1994 and, after 30 years of continuous operation, it was ready for a substantial makeover. Already one of the busiest and most innovative airports in Asia, handling 30 million passengers a year, Populous was engaged to redefine KIX’s entire airport passenger experience ahead of future growth and major upcoming events.

Originally designed by Renzo Piano, the airport is still considered an architectural icon to this day, with its elegant structure and sweeping aerofoil roofline. At 1.7km long, it’s also the longest airport in the world. It was intended to have a 50:50 split between international and domestic passengers but over the years its domestic use has dwindled, while there has been a substantial influx of international passengers. By 2016, the demographic makeup had shifted to an 80:20 split. As a result, the international areas had become severely undersized, and long queues were commonplace.

博普乐思的设计使关西国际机场能够充分利用现有基础设施,并以具有成本效益的方式最大化商业回报,从而确保其长期发展。 此次重大升级改造分阶段进行,确保机场的继续运营和项目的按时交付,以支持大阪市申办 2025 年世博会。

现代化机场体验已经成为城市塑造游客印象最重要的机会之一。 如今,世界各地的机场已成为真正将乘客与城市联系起来的 21 世纪最重要的交通枢纽。


  • 将国际客运量提高 25%,从每年 1,940 万人次增至每年 3,000 万人次;
  • 将国际出发休息室和零售服务空间增加 60%;
  • 引入全球首创的基于乘客体验和情绪的零售布局;
  • 打造无缝的旅客处理体验;以及
  • 为旅客的每一段新旅程提供无与伦比的抵达体验。




Photo taken Oct. 25, 2022, shows a new area for domestic flights at Kansai airport in Osaka Prefecture, western Japan. (Photo by Kyodo News via Getty Images)


关西机场作为日本第二大都市圈的门户,是日本极为重要的机场。该项目为期六年,从 2018 年开始分阶段施工,以尽量减少运营中断情况。为了应对 2020 年东京奥运会带来的客流量增长,改善旅客处理的早期工作及时开始。


  • 2023

    • 世界建筑节大奖未来项目入围奖 (Finalist World Architecture Festival Awards Future Projects) - 基础设施
3 items.
  • Brett Wightman Senior Principal | Director - APAC Singapore
  • Jack Kato Principal, Design Manager, Architect Tokyo
  • Ben Dawson Principal, Head of Aviation APAC Singapore

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