September 22, 2017
Populous Named a Certified Healthy KC Organization for the Second Year in a Row

Populous is proud to be recognized as a Certified Healthy KC Organization by the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce for the second year in a row. A silver ranking was awarded to the firm for its commitment to overall wellness through an on-site gym, healthy food options and numerous health and wellness programs. By providing these services, Populous recognizes the benefits of mental and physical health in producing a happy and more engaged workplace.
Launched by the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City, in partnership with a myriad of other area organizations, the Healthy KC initiative focuses on five areas of health: workplace wellness, active living, behavioral health, healthy eating, and tobacco use prevention and cessation.
Certification is based on four pillars of health: nutrition, physical activity, tobacco cessation, and work/life integration. There are four levels of certification, based on a company’s level of achievement across the four pillars – Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Honorable Mention.
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