Bangalore International Convention Centre

Bangalore, Karnataka, India

The Bangalore International Convention Centre rests on 35 acres of land adjacent to the Bangalore International airport. The convention center is part of a new, large-scale, mixed-use development targeted at the regional and global business visitor market by the Karnataka state government. The Bangalore COEX is not a traditional COEX in the sense that each of its functions — the plenary hall, the exhibition hall and the business center — have their own building and identity.

The project drew on the history of Bangalore as the “garden city” of India for its overall concept. The master plan was designed around the garden city theme with the intent of creating a unique convention-exhibition experience within a garden. The main public entrance is located such that people pass through or around the central garden to reach their destinations. The buildings are located around the garden spaces and blend into the surroundings to make the garden and its users the focus.